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Free "review" copies of the "Better Spread Betting" e-book
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Author:  lotontech [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Free "review" copies of the "Better Spread Betting" e-book

Having previously offered draft versions of my "Better Spread Betting" e-book for free, I'm afraid to say that you now have to pay for it.

But in recognition of Harry's (the Spread Betting Beginner, but not such a beginner now) past support for my publications, I am pleased to offer a limited number of readers of this forum a free PDF "review" copy of the first published version -- in exchange for you posting an accurate and honest review of the e-book on Amazon.co.uk. It's first come first served for a limited number of free review copies, so claim yours by dropping me a line at http://www.betterspreadbetting.com/p/contact.html

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