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 Post subject: The Beginning: part 13
 Post Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:45 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:24 pm
Posts: 176
Location: Derby

what can I say...?

My portfolio is a veritable bloodbath with just two shares in the green - just! Well, a pretty grim day for the markets with the FTSE plummeting to 5581, a position it hasn't seen since late September. My IG funds are now £770 which is exactly break even; another 2 or 3 days like today and I might start just start worrying....

Anyway I had 5 stop outs today:-

ENCORE OIL PLC (x 2 contracts) = -£40 (ouch!)

RED ROCK RESOURCES PLC (x 3 contracts) = +£8.50 (small profit)

So total loss for the 5 contracts is -£31.50!

Still, patience is a virtue, as they say, and I suppose I've got all the time in the world; also I have been in a much worse position since opening this account. And, as I always say, the main thing is to keep in the game.....

Here's for a better day tomorrow. As I write the FTSE futures are up +17 so fingers crossed.


Big Al (somewhat bloodied but still in the battle!)

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