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 Post subject: The Beginning: part 21
 Post Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:00 pm 

Joined: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:24 pm
Posts: 176
Location: Derby

pretty neutral day today with the FTSE reacting badly to a U.S. Labor Department report that showed employers added fewer jobs than forecast in November and the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose, so 22 points down on the day...

Anyway my portfolio was the usual mixed bag and finished around £15 down, so not too bad really, all things considered.

Best performer was PETRONEFT RESOURCES PLC which gained 3 points to finish at 68; however I'm not too happy with IG INDEX because all of my 3 positions are actually showing less than this figure. In reality my portfolio should be at least £15 more than the final figure, so I've emailed IG to ask them what the heck they're playing at. Anyone else out there had this sort of problem..?

Just looked at my portfolio again and, in fact, NAUTICAL PETROLEUM PLC was up again today by a very solid 4.75 points! So, despite cursing this share all week, it's now showing a £4 profit - I'll have to slag a few more next week!!

Account funds £1070 so still showing a fair profit of £300 since April. No stop outs and no new positions today..

See you next week, Big Al

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